Tuesday, February 14, 2012

House of Love

So after nearly 18 months of wedded delight, and 6 months with the most smiley baby boy ever, the Lord has decided we are ready to expand our family. Yes, we are expecting a baby in Sept. making Ethan a 14-month old big brother. I think he will be delighted with the role.

I remember once reading a little book entitled "The House of Love" one of the beautiful Lamplighter Publications. The story has nothing to do with this situation, but I find the title to aptly apply to our household in a variety of ways. Roman has a love which overflows infectiously into his life; it is bright and cheerful, also tender and comforting. In his role as husband and father he gives a strong foundation of love on which to lean. Ethan's love is shone by the delighted smiles and squeals whenever Mummy or Daddy give him attention. His eagerness to enjoy life is clear, and he brings sunshine to every gloomy or sunny day. As the son he brings liveliness to each moment (I'm sure this will be true as a brother too)! Then there is my role, wife and mother. I am of a much calmer nature than my husband and son, the soothing constant in their lives, learning to enjoy all of their joys, comfort any fears and hurts, and be there for their needs. The wife and mother is doubtless the beating heart that fills the home, secure in my husbands love. This new baby, whether girl or boy, will add to the the love that fills our house. They too, will have a role to fill and it will be a joy to watch.
Of course, we can only be a house of love as long as we are grounded in the One who is Love. It is because He teaches us that we are able to love. God Almighty is the definition of Love, the creator of it, and the only teacher thereof. I know by experience that I do love anyone who loves me - my parents, sisters, husband, etc. I know that the Word proclaims the truth was given to us not to destroy us, but to demonstrate God's vast love for us. The truth is love, and love is truth. When these are entwined in our minds, hearts, and lives then we can build a house of love. That is our house, our habit, our home. Lord willing, the Roman Mallery family will always dwell in a "House of Love."

Ethan as a newborn (above) and at 6 months (below).