Thursday, June 4, 2009

Easier Said Than Done

Boy, have I found that one out! Keeping those nasty words from popping out of your mouth has been, well, easier said than done. So many times it just comes out like that, and then a split second later I realize what I just said and wish I hadn't done it. Arrrrrrggghhhh! The hardest thing has been that I am always trying to come up with a smart response to something somebody else said, to try to prove myself better than they are. I just felt that I needed to make a little confession, and renew my resolution to control what I am saying.

One of his handmaids,


"Let the words of my mouth, and
the meditation of my heart be
acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my
strength and my redeemer."-
Psalm 19:14


  1. Sorry if you got confused about the second line in the post, I meant keeping words from popping out of my mouth, not yours. I hope nobody was offended! ;)

  2. You are so right there! How many times I have resolved to make my words sweet, only to turn around & bite off a proverbial head. *sigh* Only God can help us weak and mortal messer-uppers.

  3. Good reminder Jillian - thank you. :)

  4. Yes I have that problum too..... must be a human thing. But with God's help, we can over come our humaness

  5. Well, humanness will always be our bane until we taste immortality, but we can certainly strive to tame our tongues while we are here.

  6. And I'm still sorry for almost every thing that passes through my lips. (Going out of my lips, not in) :)


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His Handmaidens