Sunday, January 2, 2011

Laurel is Home

My Dad took us home last night, we went to bed, slept in a little, and headed to the hospital. Laurel was waiting for a doctor to check up on her and give her the all clear to leave. So we hung out at the hospital until around one or one thirty, the doctor came, and then we got ready to go. We got home around 2:00 this afternoon and she is now sleeping in her room. She has been given a medication to take for her problem, and  there is some side affects .  This will make it hard for her to decide whether to continue her job and stuff like that. For now, she will be laying low. She has three occasions in the next couple weeks where she will be babysitting, but I will be with her, just in case. Thank you all so much for your prayers, they are very much apprciated!
In Christ,


  1. Praise God! Yay, I'm so happy she's home. :) Still praying!


  2. Goodness, so sorry to hear that about Laurel! I will definitely be praying for her. =)

  3. Wow! I just heard today about the situation. I will be praying for all of you. May the Lord grant you much wisdom and strength!


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His Handmaidens