Monday, March 29, 2010

Bare feet, Greenery...

I don't like shoes. Don't take that wrong. I love shoes.
Your probably confused. I like the look of shoes, there
are several nice pairs out there. I just Love bare feet.
Something is so very enjoyable about walking in the
grass with bare feet. It feels just... delicious. Yesterday, I ran outside
for the first time in a long time barefoot. Mmph.
Can't wait till spring...
I want to walk in that field and enjoy dewy delightfulness.
And feel the sun in my face as it rises:
And enjoy the green-ness ;) in general:
I think I could read under (or in!) that tree for hours.
I love Gods creativity
I'll live there, thank you very much:

I think I might start drooling soon...
Have a blessed week remembering the Resurrection,
Christ dying on the cross, and the Sacrifice God
made for us.
What a wonderful gift of love!

In Christ,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Shes 21 today. And shes beautiful:

A princess in Gods house. A proverbs 31 woman who
has served the Lord since she was 9.

She is:

1 Humble
2 Loving
3 God honoring
4 quiet
5 smart
6 pretty
7 Lady like
8 Friendly
9 appreciative
10 A good older sister
11 patient
12 Christ like
13 hard working
14 unselfish
15 smart
16 intellectual
17 a good cook
18 an on time person
19 sensible
20 fashionable
21 well mannered.

Mmph. I love her. Happy Birthday Caitlin!
(Lets hear some happy birthday wishes for her!)
In Christ,

Friday, March 19, 2010

Signs of Spring

Beside them the birds of heaven dwell; they lift up their voices among the branches. ~Psalm 104:12

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Delights of Being a Girl...

...wearing pretty outfits in the garden...
...tea things for tea parties...
..Smiling for joy...
...Laughing at the absurd...
... delightful accessories...
...long hair and longer skirts...
...elegant costumes... shoes for all seasons...

...long hair blown in the wind...

...elaborate jewelry...
...picking flowers...
...a reason to eat chocolate and drink tea!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

About my Friends...

I told Hannah about this a few weeks ago, but I'll explain to the rest of you:
1.Choose any amount of friends, blog friends
or real life friends, and say at least two things
(Or more!) you admire or like about them.
2. Tag the friends that you wrote about.
3.If those friends have blogs, make sure to link to them!

I think I'll do three friends, two whom I have met personally, one whom I have not. I would do more, but then I would use up some of my friends friends! ;)

1. Nahla: perfect for discussing any new movie or book that we both recently watched or read. Writing companion (Though mostly to Hayley right now), artist, piano player, you have so many skills I admire. Playing piano duets with you has been a lot of fun!

2.Hannah: You are a kind, considerate girl who has a little time and room for
everyone.I love your sense of humor and your contagious laugh! It is so fun to
be with you, but you can have a serious conversation if need be. You are a first rate friend.

3. Eldarwen:Even though I have never met you in person before, I can tell that you have a passion for Christ...and for all things beautiful, colorful, and cool! You make me love to be a girl, and being pen-pals has been a great experience for me.

Of course, I tag all three of you. And while I'm at it, I'd like to say that I've got some awards, and of course, would like to award some people.

I give this to all my female followers (I think they're all female
anyway) who are keeping their heart for the one man that they will marry.
Thanks for these, Eldarwen!

I give this sunshine award to Megan
In Christ,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Like or Dislike

I do not enjoy a whole lot of classical music for listening, but some I do enjoy is "The Four Seasons" suite by Antonio Vivaldi. The lively classical music will brighten any day, and makes lovely background music for any tea party.
Someday I hope to hear Jillian play some of the pieces on her violin.
Part of the reason for posting this is because I found today is the birthday of this composer. His music has a lightness which is refreshing after the heavier Baroque composers.
I also just plain enjoy hearing the violin, it is one of my favorite instrument, after the piano and flute.

So go listen to beautiful music, sip some tea, and read a good book. You should have a lovely day.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gloriously Wasteful

Gloriously wasteful, O my Lord art Thou! ~ George MacDonald

Immortal, invisible,
God only wise,
In light inaccessible
hid from our eyes,
Most blessèd, most glorious,
the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious,
Thy great Name we praise.

Unresting, unhasting,
and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting,
Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice, like mountains,
high soaring above
Thy clouds, which are fountains
of goodness and love.

To all, life Thou givest,
to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest,
the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish
as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish--
but naught changeth Thee

Great Father of glory,
pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee,
all veiling their sight;
All laud we would render;
O help us to see
'Tis only the splendor
of light hideth Thee.