Saturday, April 10, 2010

Seeds + Sunshine = FUN

We bought seeds today. Yippee! Jillian and I are super excited, being the family gardeners. Was able to do some tilling and weeding, and Jillian did a very thorough job pulling the dead grass from around the raspberries. I am so glad to have the snow melt and to work in the garden.
I also got to wear my flowered wellies, that I think are just so much fun. They make gardening a much brighter experience. And our small fountain is up and running, providing the soothing background of flowing water.

Well, to every other gardener out there, enjoy working in God's Creation, doing a holy work for Him.


  1. I can't wait to get out to our garden. Unfortunately we still have some snow out there. So it could be about another month before I can actually plant.

  2. How fun! I can't wait for the warm weather to come. (and stay, for that matter)

  3. Good luck with the garden! It's so fun to see things grow!


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His Handmaidens